Blogmas 18 | Teach Me, Me - I don't know how to be who you created me to be
Prayer from my journal on 6/5/19
God reveal to me who you created me to be. Teach me to be who you have ordained me to be in heaven. God, give me the desires of your heart. Give unto me what you want for me. I desire what you desire. Give me the desires of your heart that you have for my life. Father teach me how to love myself. That is an area I struggle with although many people aren't able to see that. They see the fun, confident Te'Aire but many don't see I struggle with a lot of things I don't like about me. I struggle with fully accepting myself and my past. I hate my skin, I am insecure in many areas, I don’t know how to love people properly, I sometimes have a bad attitude and can be ungrateful, I compare myself to others, I am afraid of rejection, I am anxious for love and to have someone love me. Sometimes I fear that if I don’t receive that love, I will be incomplete. I want to love me.

I want to know who I am in you. I desire to know who I am through you. Reassure me! You validated me from the beginning. You love me. I am enough for you and there is so much you want to pull out of me, have your way. You called me, justified me, know me and cleaned me up. I am yours and you are mine. I want to be overflowing inwardly and outwardly with your love. Not as a façade but my life so that if no one is pouring, uplifting and encouraging, I will not be empty because you are my spring that lives within me. Help me tap into this spring. I desire to go deeper in you. God I want you to satisfy me because people are finicky. I want to be secure in you so even when they switch up, my view of me does not change. Where I do not allow the energy of others to move who I am. Teach me, me. Help me to love me and strengthen that love to remain because you love me and that view does not change. I cast down the fear right now in the name of Jesus, that tells me I pray and nothing happens. I release this prayer to you now Father and I believe you hear me and you knew this was coming and you have already worked this out. I receive the release. I submit to this process and will no longer run away from it. Lastly Father, I want to be your best friend.
** to my readers tomorrow we will be talking about journal and its importance to our relationship with God **
Love your daughter,
Te’Aire Griffin, Founder/Visionary Restore Mon
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Loe your daughter,