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Griffin, TeAire

Blogmas 13 | The Reason Why Most of You are Failing Where You Are and the Only Way to Finally Succee

Hey friends and welcome back to day 13. So yesterday I told you all that I moved to Maryland on July 7, 2019. Two days after my birthday. For my 28th birthday I decided to take a step of faith. When we break down the number 28, two means union, oneness and eight means new beginnings, a new and fresh start. These two numbers put together says me and God are one, we are on the same page. It says that God was walking with me, hand and hand, side by side into this new beginning.

Therefore, I acted on this self-prophecy. You may be wondering; how did I know Maryland was the place to go? Well, it was simple. Before you take a major step you want to vet your decision through others who have the ability to pray over you, cover you, release you and who can speak into your life. Having people like this in your life, helps you make wise decisions. They also help to guide you along the will of God for your life. Lastly, they can help divide if your decision is emotional or divine led. God never called us to walk alone but he said that in the counsel of many, there is safety or they are established (help, victory, fixed, remain, proven, fulfilled) (Proverbs 15:22). The bible also says where there is no counsel, the people fall (fall short, fail, fall away, knock down or knock out) (Proverbs 11:14). It is vital to have a trusted council for every area of life so your plans will live, remain, be proven, become powerful and set you up good. A council, mentors and spiritual parents are vital to a successful life.

I told my godfather last year that I wanted to move. We had a long talk but there is one thing he shared that I have to release to you. He said: whenever God is calling you to move to a new place, everything will line up. The home will be in place, the travel, logistics etc. He led me to read about the life of Abraham when God told him to get out of his father house and go to a land in which God would show him (Genesis 12). Abraham did not leave his country broke, he had substances and resources to sustain him. My godfather also shared a story about his mom and he said everytime God called her to go to a new place, everything was in place for her; jobs, homes, funds etc. God does not call us to a new place not to provide for us. God told the prophet Elijah to hide by the brook Cherith and while there in obedience to God, God fed him with ravens. God caused the nastiest stingiest birds, the birds that do not visit the same place twice to feed his prophet. God will take care of you with the most unlikeliest circumstances, to prove who is your God and PROVIDER. Omg that makes me so happy.

You do not need to know what God has prepared before you obey, your job is to move and along the way things will be revealed. The bible states, God told Abraham to go to a land that he would show him, in verse 1. In verse 5, it states, “and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan”. As we know Canaan was the land of promise for the generations before Abraham, that was the place where Abraham was always supposed to be but for some reason he never made it there. If you can recall, Abraham’s father was supposed to lead his family into Canaan but along the way he settled.

Genesis 11:31-32 states,

“And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there. 32 And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran”.

Abraham’s father was supposed to go into Canaan but on the way he stopped in Haran and set up a life and stopped moving to the place of promise. How does this relate to me? Well, my mother was supposed to move to Maryland 12 years ago. However, because of fear of the unknown, not wanting to uproot and leave she decided not to go again. As I was deciding which state to move too, God told me about Abraham’s father. God perfectly painted the picture for me. Maryland was the place, my family was supposed to be however along the way my mother settled in Charleston.

I feel however that because she didn’t come here, this was the place God always wanted us to be to really see great success in life. I was the Abraham that had to leave my familiar, my comfort and my mom’s house and go to the place he promised. I was the successor. I always knew it should be Maryland but I fought it because I had other plans. As Abraham set out for Canaan, how did he know Canaan was the place God would show him? I believe he simply had a knowing and he responded to it. Even if Canaan was not where he was supposed to go, he knew that God would direct him. I have stated this many times, It is easier for God to guide a moving car than for him to move a parked car. Wherever you are headed in life, set out on the way you feel God is leading and if he needs to reroute you he will. It’s time to get up and get to the place of promise, you’ve been settled here way to long. This is not the place he called you stay? You were supposed to pass through but got stuck. (Think about it, your church, your home, your education, your career, relationship)

Maybe you are thinking, well I am not thinking about moving to another state. That is fine, maybe this is not a physical move for you but what about life moves. For instance, is God telling you to leave a particular industry, a particular job, or relationship and go where he is leading you. God may want you to start your own business, leave those friends, whatever he is asking, can he not be trusted? I promise you if God calls you out, he has a much better plan than you could ever imagine. God is calling many of us out of our comfortable places because comfortable people do not move neither do they progress. He is calling you out of what is familiar to you and he wants to usher you into a new beginning and a fresh start. God is not into old wine in new wineskins. You can’t put old mindsets and thinkings into new places. For this reason, that is probably why your prophetic word is still hanging in the balance. Before God releases it, are you still the same? The word released in the season you were in, was the green light to start the work and process in you. To mature you to fit the promise. But are you still the same? Change your mind about what God told you. Be not afraid and neither be dismayed.

God is doing a new thing, now it springs forth, can you not see it? (Isaiah 43:19). The path that you take is already predestined. The path has already been laid out and all we are doing is following his footprints of where he has already walked through our lives. Your path, what you did today and what you will do tomorrow is not a surprise to God, he has already walked the way you are taking. He has already laid the foundation for you, he has cleared the path and removed every obstacle that would hinder you from your place of promise. The reason you have been so frustrated is because you are trying to walk a path that was not laid for you. Detour, ReRoute, UTurn, do whatever you got to do to be in the perfect will of God and with his help. God is better than the GPS system in your car. For he knows the thoughts he has for you, thoughts to prosper you and give you an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11).

Te’Aire Griffin, Founder/Visionary Restore Mon

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