BlogMas Day 4 | My Possessive Crazy Drunk Uber Rider Wanted Me for Himself
If you know me, you know I tell good stories. So this is the story of the time I had a crazy Uber rider and I was scared for my short lived life. I was only 27, I just started to really live.
Ok, so here is what happened. One night on my late night Uber rides, I was tired and ready to go home. Matter of fact, I did not even want to drive Uber this particular day. I don't know why but I was truly not in the mood. But I had a goal and a deadline and I was not even knocking on the door of it. I thought I was just being lazy so I rolled myself up, gave myself a pep talk and headed out the door.
The night was going good. Up until this point, I didn't have any crazy riders neither did I have some drunk person throw up in my car. So far so good. Until this night. The sun was down and the moon was in its place. Not just any moon but it was a full moon tonight! And there was somebody somewhere looking for their next prey and little to my knowledge it was going to be me.
My phone dinged with an alert that I was being summoned by a rider. Driving down the quiet streets of Charleston, SC on a weekday was normal but I had a super errie feeling about the area I was picking up in. I turned down a side street off of King St and there was my rider, in the pitch black and he was staggering. "No big deal," I thought, just a drunk guy. But initially I had feelings of just driving by but I thought to myself, “I am tripping, what’s the worst that can happen?”
Then the guy gets in and the first thing he said was, "You're beautiful". Using my southern hospitality, I said thank you and we pulled off. I thought to myself, this is harmless, let me make this quick $10.
Nobody at all:
The Rider: I'm such an idiot
Me: blank stare
The Rider: sorry you have to put up with me
Me: you are not a problem
awkward silence
Now I am no doctor or psychologist but not only did I know this guy was drunk but I believe he had a mental illness and he was possessed. Oh Lawd why me? He started hitting his head and all though I wanted to let him out right then and there, I started praying inwardly and to keep whatever he was calm, I decided to hold casual conversation, that way I could hear the sound of his voice if he moved or got too close. Genius right? I know.
Then this happens next, as we are approaching the Ravenel Bridge, this is our conversation.
The rider: you're beautiful
Me: thank you
Nobody at all:
The Rider: I'm such an idiot
Me: blank stare
The Rider: sorry you have to put up with me
Me: you are not a problem
awkward silence
30 seconds later,
The rider: you're beautiful
Me: mhm
Nobody at all:
The Rider: I'm such an idiot
Me: blank stare
The Rider: sorry you have to put up with me
Me: starring
awkward silence
I was completely creeped out, half way over the bridge, the rider said do you like me?
Me: well I don't know you sir
Enraged he said, Why don't you like me?
Yall, I am as quiet as a church mouse because the gears in my brain are spinning. I watched too many Criminal Mind episodes and I was a profiler and he was the criminal by which I was trying to figure out. My life right now felt like the perfect scene. Driving in the car, over the bridge, deep body of water, damsel in distress and nobody knows where I am. I was trying to figure out my next move as well as incorporating him and everything he would possibly do and how I would defend myself.
Then the rider says, "do you have a boyfriend?"
Me: yes I do and he loves me and he is such a protector (I am talking about G-O-D).
the rider: I can love you better than he can.
At this moment, I have sent my location and uber travel plan to my aunt and friends because if it goes down, they better come to my rescue.
Me: nah, I don't think you could do that sir but we are almost to your destination
He got quiet. Then he said, "why don't you want me?" I said, "I am taken. What about your girlfriend, she wants you."
The rider: nobody wants her
Now I knew I couldn't take this man to his front door (this is before all the talk about sex trafficking and such) because I was not sure what he would do to me in such a vulnerable position. I can't remember all of what he said, but the more he talked and screamed at me, the more scared I got.
I merged off on Coleman Blvd, thank God there was a gas station. The rider screams with much aggression, "what are you doing?"
Me: I need gas, my tank is on E.
He sat back and wouldn't you guess it the gas station was closed. Omg, I am panicking internally. My heart is beating 1000mph and I could feel it beating out of my chest. I just wanted to go home, NOW!
I shot across Houston Northcutt Blvd to Johnny Dobbs, thank God there was another gas station. This man was saying things like he wanted to kiss me and he wanted me to be his, he was hitting himself, this was a thriller. I sped pass the yellow light. You could look in his eyes and tell something was off, there were some screws left undone.
We pulled up to Scotchman Store and he aggressively asked again, "where are you taking me". I said, as I told you before I need gas. He said, do you mind if I go in and get a beer. I said, no problem at all. We got out the car, I locked my doors and went inside directly to the clerk. I told him I did not feel safe and I was letting someone out of my Uber because he was being aggressive. The attendant said ok. The rider was walking to the front of the store with a case of beer and I ran out and left him right there. I got in my car and called my aunt to ensure her everything was okay.
Moral of the story: listen to your gut. It is not just you or your own thoughts. Our gut especially as women is our intuition and the Holy Spirit. But sometimes, we can be so caught up in our own plans and goals that we ignore that voice. But, that was my first and last uber ride at night for awhile as you can imagine. Another night God kept me!
Thanks for reading.
A former Uber Driver,
Te’Aire Griffin, Founder/Visionary Restore Mon Amour
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