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Griffin, TeAire


My daddy made this day (TI from atl voice) therefore I rejoice and be glad in it. He made this day and everything he makes is good even if you call it bad. He gave you a good day, what you gone do about it? Who are you going to let take that away? Remain in your place of peace.

Y'all we are sons/daughters of the King, not just any King but THE King, the King of the Universe. Let that marinate for a second...

Why are we settling and accepting less than our Father would do for us. He said how much more are we than the birds that they neither sow nor reap nor store up but the Father feeds them. How much more would God do for us, if our earthly parents wouldn't give us stone if we asked for bread. You don't expect that from them, why do we expect anything less from God. Why do we live the way we do? Why are we not where God is calling us? Why do we give our temple away? Why do we let sickness attach itself and we call it ours (my diabetes, I have high blood pressure)? Why do we let the defeated enemy talk in our ears and say stuff like "Did God really say"....? Why do we wait to be accepted into the love of people and run from the love of God that's never failing?

Do you know the value that comes with being valuable. You belong to a kingdom that will never end and is undefeated. Why do we live in defeat? Our father train fills the temple. His train is what hangs from his robe and trains are accumulated as a king defeats other kingdoms; he takes the defeated king's robe and adds it to the ends of the previous one.

We live how we live because we don't most times know who we are. Our identity has been lost in our place of abandonment, rejection, defeat, experiences, and frustration. We must get back to the Mindset of Royalty. God has been saying for a while, stop living below your mandate place and I didn't understand but I heard, you stay below your mandate place in three ways:

1. Living in the past

2. Accepting the world's truths

3. Living in a certain way not accepted by your kingdom

I want to remind you there is true love on the other side of your past but you have to go through it and spoiler alert, God is on the other side waiting for you because he knew you were coming. He knew you were going to conquer everything in your way, you are your Father's child. He knew you wouldn't stop praying because you prayed without ceasing.

He knew you would make it through the valleys of death because he was walking with you. He knew your parents forsaking you was not the end because he took you up. He knew everything that was upon you, couldn't hold you down because he got up. Shake off that dirt and get back to the kingdom, the table is spread and daddy's waiting.

Love Yourself <3

Te’Aire Griffin, Founder/Visionary Restore Mon Amour

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